Live in app stores!

Yes, a mile stone passed with TheBullApp available in The AppStore and Google Playstore 🙂

Still a few bugs which we are working on as we find them, and more features to come online.

However there are a few catches. Firstly the Microsoft 365 server is binning emails originating from our mail software – no idea why and the coder is looking for a fix but this is particularly annoying. In the meantime, please use a non 365 email address.

Secondly, until a self registration system is set up – which will be very soon – all users will need to have an email address already set up within the VSR database. This is simple to do, so please messsage / email / WhatsApp me on 00447887887699 in advance.

At this stage I would really appreciate feedback, so do get in touch. Roger

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