More whistles and bells added in response to user feedback

Many thanks to those vets who have done some on-farm beta testing, and fed back comments. This software is still available free of charge for unlimited evaluations, in return for feedback.

As a result there is now a “Add New Farm” facility within the app, removing the need to set a client up in advance within the VSR database.

Evaluations can be “locked off” within both app and database and more importantly, can now be “unlocked” to allow corrections and edits to be made by the vet.

User settings” app screen and a simpler password reset or opt out added within the app.

An optional facility to preset all of the Physical Exam findings to Normal/NAD – useful for instance when you are doing batches of young Pre-sale bulls and the client has already weeded out the inferior ones. Now you only need to input Scrotal Circum and the Result -Satis/Unsatis if he is passes everything else. Results can obviously be edited if needed when the bull is in front of you.

“Reason for Test” (Presale, Prebreeding etc) this will default to the last bull inputted. So if you are doing a run of Pre-breeding evaluations, then no need to select from the dropdown list – all to reduce “finger miles” as much as possible. .

Inclusion of an “Other Physical Anomalies” free text field – for those extras that I have either forgotten or you need to remind me of!

Improved Save/Synch functions, and off-line operation tidied up.

Improved handling of “Favourite Samples” – now defaults to the last sample/count recorded, as this is usually the better one.

Cert Info screen in VSR tidied up – nomenclature made consistent across all the screens and other minor things.

Morpho Counter also up for a rework and ought to be done by BCVA in Oxtober. This will include colour coded by Normal, Compensated or Uncompensated, extra defects and “normal” options with reworked back screens.

And we have fixed several other bugs & oddities while trying (in vain I expect) to second guess all the ways that vets and users will try to break it!


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